
The 2025 Agenda

Let’s get radical

We are living through an era of unprecedented technological and scientific advancement. Yet, on critical issues like tackling the climate crisis and closing the equality gap, progress feels stubbornly slow. While tools and technologies can change dramatically quickly, shifting mindsets and dismantling entrenched systems can take generations. This year, we’re not waiting. We’re finding strength in our community and embracing our inner radical! Together, we’ll meet leaders with bold ideas and action to accelerate societal change. And as we learn from their journeys, so we’ll equip ourselves with the skills and courage to lead our own.

The Programme
Registration & breakfast
Our opening session sets the scene for the day’s discussion.
Introduction to this year’s theme by
Jules Chappell OBE, CEO of Kokoro
Big ideas for a better world.
Shu Fei Grindlay, Special Advisor to Sir Keir Starmer hosts this panel of big thinkers with powerful ideas for driving positive change.
Break and networking
Our second session moves to interactive discussions and masterclasses focused on practical learning for leaders.

In this session, we get down to business, focusing on topics that are critical for leaders to understand, yet often shrouded in terminology that can make us feel like outsiders. In this no holds barred session, we’ll get you up to speed, with lots of time left for questions.

Our ‘101s for leaders’ series

 Choose two from three sessions (30 minutes each), starting with a download of the basics that you need to know, followed by Q&A

Finance: Series A, B, what? This 101 will cover the basics of investing and fundraising to grow great ideas – from VC to GP, we’ll get translating! Led by Rupa Popat, Founder and Managing Partner at Araya Ventures.

Resilience: as the pace of change increases, so it can easily feel overwhelming. Finding ways that help us feel grounded and able to take good decisions is a critical part of good leadership. In this session, led by Poppy Delbridge, creator of the Rapid Tapping app and method, we’ll learn how to get started with tapping as one tool to help.

Board preparation: Thinking about getting a Board role? We’ll help you with our top tips to progress or get started, understanding what’s involved and what will help to pop open that door! Led by Natalie Campbell, Advisory Council Member to PwC and former Board member to the London Economic Action Partnership, Big Lottery Fund, Royal Foundation, Wayra and National Council for Voluntary Youth Services.

Lunch and Networking
Collective brainstorm

Choose two from the following 30-minute sessions. Each discussion will be guided by an expert and give space to learn from and bounce ideas off each other.

• Britain 2050: The UK’s Cabinet Office is leading a new national consultation on the future of Britain. Come get involved! Led by Catherine Day, Foresight Team, Cabinet Office.

• Generative AI: We all know it’s the future, but how are you using it right now? Led by creative technology expert, Manon Dave, we’ll explore the tips and tricks we can use to get maximum benefit from our AI friends and make the most of our own time, skills and imaginations.

• Podcasting: Ever wanted to start your own podcast? Or you have one and are keen to grow your audience?

Break and networking
Our last session is a chance to learn from leaders at the top – those who have extraordinary experiences to share and from whom we can draw strength and inspiration as we bring our Summit to a close.

Session in conversation and Q&A
Jennifer Nadel, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Compassion in Politics with Julia Gillard, former Prime Minister of Australia
Final thoughts by our host Kate Quilton
Drinks reception
Summit ends
Attendees Week of Women 2016
Melanie Richards, Summit 2015
Sir John Sawers and Roula Khalaf Summit 2016
Summit attendees
Summit attendees
Summit attendees
Viola Llewellyn, Summit 2015