Human leadership in an AI World
This year, across a week-long festival, we will focus on the world’s transition to an era of powerful, new technologies and what this will mean for the next generation of leaders. What will leadership look like in an era of significant artificial intelligence, virtual collaboration and the next iteration of the internet? How will this technological change affect our work as leaders, our teams and our communities? Will leadership skills change and if so, which skills will become most valuable?
Delegates will be able to dip into a mixture of content and live sessions over the week, meeting fascinating speakers as well as fellow young, women leaders from around the region.
Dr Jonny Hon, Founder & Chairman Emeritus, Global Group International Holdings Limited
Linda Fitz-Alan, Registrar and Chief Executive, Abu Dhabi Global Market Courts
Veronica Obianwa, Vice President, Flipkart Group Controller, Walmart